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Friday, 29 December 2017
Bayero University, Kano, BUK 2017/2018 Academic Session UTME Change Of Programme Admission List Published
This is to inform all UTME candidates who applied for admission into Bayero University, Kano (BUK) that the management has released the change of programme admission list for 2017/2018 academic session. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. BUK 2017/2018 UTME Change Of Programme Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
Bayero University, Kano (BUK), BUK 2017/2018 Academic Session UTME/DE Admission List Now Available Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Bayero University, Kano (BUK) and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 Admission List is out. Recommended: How To Accept Your Admission Status On JAMB CAPS Portal However, names of admitted candidates is available in PDF format Click the link below to download. BUK 2017/2018 UTME Admission List BUK 2017/2018 Direct Entry Admission List. Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
The Federal Polytechnic, Bida 2017/2018 Academic Session Online Registration Guidelines For Fresh & Returning Students
This is to inform all students of The Federal Polytechnic, Bida both new and returning students that the management has released the online registration procedure for 2017/2018 academic session. The registration procedure is available below. Federal Poly, Bida 2017/2018 Online Registration Procedure For New And Returning Students 1 Fresh student will get their ID and password from their admission notification letter while returning student should login with their matric. number and their surname 2. visit 3 login with your student ID and password 4. Fill up your biodata 5. Payment i. click on payment link, the system will show you the amount to be paid, SUG dues included. ii. Click on payment Option select either Master card, Verve, Visa or Generate RRR and proceed to bank for payment. iii. Click on “submit for payment” button iv. The system carries you to REMITA platform to compete payment. Note: if your payment is successful the system gives you online receipt and if the payment was not successful you will be requested to requery to check status of payment. Print your Polytechnic Provisional admission letter and online registration payment receipt. And Logout
Taraba State University, Jalingo 2017/2018 Academic Session School Fees Payment Deadline Extension Important Notice
This is to inform all students of Taraba State University, jalingo that the Management has extended the deadline for payment of school fees for 2017/2018 academic session from 19th December, 2017 to 8th January, 2017. Any payment made between 9th January and 16th January, 2018 would attract a late registration penalty of N5,000. The Portal would be closed to registration on 17th January, 2017. The above time schedule excludes newly admitted students. The time line for registration of newly admitted students would be communicated to you as soon as Management takes a decision on it. Thank you.
Umaru Musa Yaradua University, Katsina, UMYU 2017/2018 Pre-Degree & Remedial Studies Registration Procedure For Freshers
This is to inform all newly admitted candidates into School of Pre-Degree and Remedial Studies of the Umaru Musa Yaradua University, Katsina that the issuance of admission letter and registration for all the successful candidates has commenced for 2017/2018 academic session. All newly admitted students are to logo via the link to print admission letter: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING STEPS CAREFULLY BEFORE STARTING YOUR ONLINE REGISTRATION STEP 1: ADMISSION DOCUMENTATION 1. Use Google Chrome Browser to log onto: default password for printing admission is “umyusprs” . 2. To print your Admission Letter, click on ‘print admission letter’ link at the left hand side. It is recommended to use a colour printer to print your admission letter. Note that you can only print your original admission letter ONCE. IMPORTANT NOTES All Pre-degree Students MUST register with JAMB and sit for the 2018 UTME. STEP 2: PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES Pay Choice: Procedures for fees collection shall be as follows: a. Payment at the University premise to be made into the following account either by cash or a bank draft payable to: UMYU MICROFINANCE BANK LTD UMYU IJMBE/REMEDIAL COLLECTION ACCOUNT NO: 0300300004. b. Payment outside the University, either by cash or bank draft payable to UMYU MICROFINANCE BANK LTD can be paid through our correspondence Banks: Either at: DIAMOND BANK PLC ACCOUNT NAME: UMYU Microfinance Bank Ltd. ACCOUNT NO: 0053813052. Or UNITY BANK PLC. ACCOUNT NAME: UMYU Microfinance Bank Ltd. ACCOUNT NO: 0025881417 . STEP 4: SUBMISSION OF REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS All copies of completed forms, payment receipts, credentials and two passport photographs are to be submitted to the School of Pre-degree and Remedial Studies, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, after successful completing of STEP 1 – 2. SIGNED Dr. Bashir Muhammad Gide. Director, SPRS
Umaru Musa Yar’dua University, Katsina, UMYU 2017/2018 Public Health Microbiology Admission Released Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Umaru Musa Yar’dua University, Katsina and participated in the admission screening exercise that the management has released the Public Health Microbiology admission list for 2017/2018 academic session. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school portal click the link below to view. UMYU 2017/2018 Public Health Microbiology Admission List Please NOTE that, the collection of admission letter should be at UMYU CONSULT OFFICE- Senate Building Room B12, and after payment, the student should proceed to the Microbiology department for screening and Registration. Also the lectures are to commence on January 22nd 2018.
Umaru Musa Yar’dua University, Katsina, UMYU 2017/2018 Academic Session UTME 1st Batch Admission List Out Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Umaru Musa Yar’dua University, Katsina and participated in the Post-UTME Screening Exercise that the management has released the first batch (Merit) UTME Admission List for 2017/2018 academic session. Recommended: How To Accept Your Admission Status On JAMB CAPS Portal However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school portal click the link below to download. UMYU 2017/2018 UTME Merit Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
National Teachers Institute, Kaduna Online Course Registration Procedures/Guidelines For Fresh And Returning Students
This is to inform the general public that the National Teachers Institute, Kaduna has Begins the online registration procedure both fresh and returning students, who has carryovers in their courses. Carryover Charge of N7,000 will be charged during the process. Steps To Register For NTI, Kaduna Carry Over Courses On The Upgraded Portal *Visit the NTI, Kaduna Portal via *Log in to the portal using your username and password *Go to Fees and Payments on the page *Click on Pay Now on the Carry Over Charges row *Use the RRR on the invoice to make payment *After making payment go to “ Course Registration” to register for your carry over courses Other NTI, Kaduna Fee Charges Academic Transcript Excluding Courier Cost: N3,000 Change of Name: N1,000 Examination Fee: N1,000 Late Registration Penalty Charge: N4,000 Transfer: N2,000
National Common Entrance Examination, NCEE 2018/2019 Academic Session Examination Time-table Released Online
This is to inform the general public especially parents or guardians that the National Examination Council has released the 2018 National Common Entrance Examination [NCEE] into JSS1 Of Federal Government Unity Colleges Examination Time-table. The Entrance Examination is scheduled to take place on Saturday 14th April, 2018 in all Centers Nationwide. Details of the timetable are contained below: TIME ACTIVITY 7:30am – 9:00am Validation of candidates and marking of attendance 9:00am – 9:30am Issuance of customized OMR answer sheets for Paper I to candidates 9:30am – 9:40am Issuance of Paper I Question papers to candidates 9:40am – 11:50am Paper I Part A – Mathematics and General Science Part B – English and Social Studies 11:50am – 12:20am Break 12:20am – 12:50pm Issuance of customized OMR answer sheets for Paper II to candidates 12:50pm – 1:00pm Issuance of Paper II Question papers to candidates 1:00pm – 2:20pm Paper II Part A – Quantitative and Vocational Aptitude Part B – Verbal Aptitude The time allocated to each paper as specified on the rubrics of the question paper should be strictly adhered to. The Albinos and Blind candidates are to be given 30 minutes extra time.
National Common Entrance Examination, NCEE 2018/2019 Application Form, Exam Date, Registration Procedure & Deadline Out
This is to inform the general public, parents, guardians, headmaster and headmistress that the Registration for the 2018/2019 National Common Entrance Examination is now on-going. The examination registration cards are now available at NECO offices. The National Common Entrance Examination for admission into Junior Secondary School (JSS 1) of Federal Government Unity Colleges for 2018 will be held throughout the country and other interested foreign countries. Only Final year pupils of Primary Schools are eligible for the exams ELIGIBILITY & ENTRY PROCEDURE Heads of Primary Schools should contact either their State Ministries of Education or NECO State Offices to obtain Scratch Cards at the rate of N2,500.00 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Naira) only per Candidate, after payment into NECO Treasury Single Account (TSA) in any of the Commercial Banks. Private Candidates can also obtain scratch cards from NECObState Offices Nationwide at the rate of N2,500.00 (Two Thousand Five Hundred naira) only per Candidate, after payment into NECO Treasury Single Account (TSA) in any of the Commercial Banks. High Commissions, Embassies or Consulates should collect scratch cards from the nearest NECO StatenOffice after the payment of $400.00 into NECO Treasury Single Account (TSA) in any of the Commercial Banks. Overseas Candidates should Note that Examination Centres are only within the Country. Click on Enter Pin number and Serial number on the scratch card. Enter registration details and upload passport photograph of the candidate. Print the candidate’s Photocard to obtain his/her registration and centre numbers. STRUCTURE OF THE EXAMINATION Part A – Mathematics and General Science Part B – Quantitative and Vocational Aptitude Part A – English and Social Studies Part B – Verbal Aptitude REGISTRATION PROCEDURES Applicants are to visit the NCEE Registration Portal to download the Offline Application Form Or Purchase The Scratch Card For Online Registration. Fill and submit form to any NECO Office near you. APPLICATION START & DEADLINE Registration Begins From 1st December, 2017. The registration website will be closed on 26th March, 2018 at 12 midnight with no further access to it.
Taraba State Polytechnic, Suntai 2017/2018 Academic Session Online Registration Procedure For Newl Students
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Taraba State Polytechnic, Suntai that the management has released the online registration procedure for newly admitted students for 2017/2018 academic session. PROCEDURE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS (REGULAR) 1. Students receives alert for admission 2. Proceed to Registry Department (Academic Secretary Office) for Admission Letter after payment of N1500 for Acceptance fee. 3. Obtain certificate of medical fitness from the school clinic after payment of N1000 4. Students then proceed to HODs for verification of credentials and collect authority to pay form. 5. Proceed to bursary unit and collect teller for payments. 6. Proceed to bank to pay: a) School fees i. Diploma Courses Indigene (N25,250) Non-Indigene(N34,250) ii. Certificate Courses Indigene (N25,250) Non-Indigene(N34,250) iii. Non Nigerian (N42,250) 7. After payment, proceed to bursary unit to convert tellers to receipts and submit one (1) realm of A4 paper. 8. Proceed to MIS for submission of authority to pay attached with the school fees receipt and portal access fees teller. 9. Students receives alert after they have been registered online. 10. Proceed to MIS to collect e-Registration course form and proceed to. various units for signing. 11. Submit copies of duly signed e-Registration course form to: a) MIS Unit b) HOD c) Registry Unit (Documentation and Opening of file) d) Student Affairs (Opening of file) Note: Students offering courses that requires practical will pay additional N1,000 in the school fees Schedule.
Taraba State Polytechnic, Suntai 2017/2018 Admission List [PGD, ND, DIPLOMA, CERTIFICATE, CLERICAL COURSES]
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Taraba State Polytechnic, Suntai that the management has released the list of candidates offered provisional admission into the various programme for 2017/2018 academic session. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status. How To Check Your Admission Status *Visit the admission checking portal via *Select Course, Session, and Batch via the drop down box *Click on the Submit Button to access admission list Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
WASSCE for Private Candidates WAEC GCE 2018/2019 Jan/Feb [1st Series] Examination Time-Table Published Online – See Details
This is to inform all candidates participating in the WASSCE for Private candidates (WAEC GCE) 2018 Jan/Feb 1st Series that the examination Time-table is released. The WASSCE for Private Candidates 2018 First Series Examination is scheduled to commence on Monday 29th January, 2018. Examination is expected to end on Monday 12th February, 2018. Compiled and Uploaded Online By Monday 29th January, 2018 Civic Education 2 [Essay] 9.30 am – 11.30 am Civic Education 1 [Objective] 11.30pm – 12.30pm Agricultural Science 3 [Alternative to Practical Work] 3:00pm – 4:30pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Tuesday 30th January, 2018 Agricultural Science 2 (Essay) 9.30 am-11.40am Agricultural Science 1 -11.40pm – 12.30pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Wednesday 31st January, 2018 Financial Accounting 2 [ Theory and Practice] 9:30am – 12:00pm Financial Accounting 1 [Objectives] 12:00pm – 1:00pm Biology 2 [Essay] 3:00pm – 4:40pm Biology 1 [Objectives] 4:40pm – 5:00pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Thursday 1st February, 2018 Hausa 2 [Essay] 9:30am – 11:00am Hausa 1 [Objectives] 11:30am – 12:30pm Igbo 2 [Essay] 9:30am – 11:00pm Igbo 1 [Objectives] 11:30am – 12:30pm Yoruba 2 [Essay] 9:30am – 11:00pm Yoruba 1 [Objectives] 11:30am – 12:30pm Chemistry 3 [Alternative to Practical Work] 3:30pm – 5:00pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Friday 2nd February, 2018 Geography 2 [Essay] 9:30am – 11:30am Geography 1 [Objectives] 11:30am – 12:30pm Biology 3 [Alternative to Practical Work] 2:00pm – 4:00pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Saturday 3rd February, 2018 General Mathematics [Core] 2 [Essay] 9:30am – 12:00pm General Mathematics [Core] 1 [Objectives] 2:00pm – 3:30pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Monday 5th February, 2018 Physics 2 (Essay) 9.30 am – 11.00am Physics 1 (Objectives) 11.00am – 12.15 pm Geography 3 [Alternative to Practical Work] 3:00pm – 4:50pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Tuesday 6th February, 2018 Economics 2 (Essay) 9.30am – 11.30pm Economics 1 (Objectives) 11.30am – 12.30 am Physics 3 (Alternative to Practical Work) 2.00pm-4.45pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Wednesday 7th February, 2018 Christian Religious Studies 2 (Essay) 9.30am – 11.30 am Christian Religious Studies 1 (Objectives) 11.30 am – 12.30pm Islamic Studies 2 (Essay) 9.30am – 11.30 am Islamic Studies 1 (Objectives) 11.30 am – 12.30pm Literature-In-Eng 2 (Prose) 2.00pm – 3.15 pm Literature-In-Eng 1 (Objectives) 3.15 am – 4.15pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Thursday 8th February, 2018 Chemistry 2 (Essay) 9.30am – 11.30pm Chemistry 1 (Objectives) 11.30pm – 12.30pm Government 2 (Essay) 2.00pm – 4.00 pm Government (Obj) 4.00pm – 5.00 pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Friday 9th February, 2018 Commerce 2 (Essay) 9.30am-11.30am Commerce 1 (Objectives) 11.30am – 12.20am Literature-In-Eng 3 (Drama & Poetry) 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By Saturday 10th February, 2018 English Language 2 (Essay) 9.30am – 11.30am English Language 1(Obj) 11.30am – 12.30pm English Language 3(Oral) 3.30pm – 4.15am Compiled and Uploaded Online By Monday 12th February, 2018 Further Mathematics [Elective] 2 (Essay) 9.30am – 12.00pm Further Mathematics [Elective] 1 (Objectives) 3.00pm – 4.30pm Compiled and Uploaded Online By NOTE: Difference In Time On Question Paper and Time-Table Where the duration indicated on the question paper differs from that on the time-table, the one on the question paper should be followed. We Wish You All Good luck.
Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi, PLAPOLY 2017/2018 HND, ND & Diploma Admission List Available Online
This is to inform all prospective candidates and the general public that the management of Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi has released the 2017/2018 HND, ND II Special Diploma Admission into the various programmes. The list is displayed on the notice Boards of the institution (Jos and Main Campus) and the Polytechnic website Successful candidates must ensure they pay the non-refundable acceptance fee by generating RRR (invoice) of two thousand (N2000:00) naira only through the Polytechnic portal using and NOT directly using the Remita link. Then they will proceed to pay at any commercial Bank and then confirm payment online by printing the online receipts/screening form then proceed to Bursary department for confirmation and issuance of Polytechnic receipt. Candidates should then proceed to the Academic Registrar’s office for manual/online screening with the originals of their credentials i.e. WAEC, NECO or NABTEB. Cleared candidates should print payment invoice for tuition fees and then proceed to make payment at any commercial Bank. Ensure you confirm payment for tuition fee at Bursary department and obtain the tuition fee receipt which should be taken to audit department for auditing. Thereafter, candidate’s status is change to a student as matriculation/admission number is automatically generated. Students will take a copy of admission letter, tuition fee payment receipt and stamped online screening form to department to open departmental folder for departmental registration before you can be accepted as a student. Please note that registration exercise/lectures commence 27/11/2017 immediately and will close/end 15/12/2017. Candidates who fail to meet the registration dateline from 27th November to 15th December 2017 will pay late registration fine or be considered to have forfeited the admission offer.
Lagos State University, LASU 2017/2018 Academic Session 4th Batch Pre-Degree Admission List Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Lagos State University, Ojo (LASU) Pre-Degree Programme that the management has released the list of candidates offered provisional admission for 2017/2018 academic session. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school portal click the link below to download. LASU 2017/2018 4th Batch Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
Ahmadu Bello University, ABU, Zaria 2017/2018 Admission List Now Available Online [1st & 2nd Batch] – See Details
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 Admission List is out. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status. Read: JAMB 2017: How To Accept Your Admission On CAPS Profile How To Check ABU 2017/2018 Admission Status Online: 1. Visit 2. Enter your JAMB Registration Number in the column provided. 3. Click on Search to view your admission status. Collection of admission letters and registration commence on Monday 11th December 2017 at your respective faculties. You are to come along with original credentials and scratch card(s) of your respective O-levels result for screening. Congratulations to the admitted candidates
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki (EBSU) 2017/2018 Verification Of O’level Certificates For Newly Admitted Students
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki (EBSU) that the management has announced Verification of O’level Certificates for 2017/2018 academic session. Candidates are to follow the procedures below for verification of O’level certificates. EBSU 2017/2018 Verification Of O’level Certificates Procedure Step 1: Pay 300. 00 only (service charge) for each O’Level Certificate you are presenting for your admission through EBSU Microfinance Bank in CAS Campus. Generate O’Level verification invoice according to the below process: 1. Visit the school portal ( 2. Click on the link “O’Level Certificate Verification” 3. Type in your Jamb registration number 4. Click on Submit 5. Proceed to EBSU Microfinance Bank with the invoice generated 6. Make payment at the EBSU Microfinance bank and obtain Tpay Pin from the bank Step 2: Present the following items to your Faculty Officer who would forward them to EBSU ICT Verification of your O’Level Certificate(s) 1. A photocopy or photocopies of your O’Level certificate(s) to be verified 2. Unscratched/Undisclosed Scratch Card(s) for each Certificate to be verified. If you are presenting WAEC and NECO etc, please buy and present relevant scratch card(s) 3. Photocopies of your JAMB and Post UTME/PD results (as applicable) 4. A photocopy of your admission letter. Step 3: The Faculty Officer (FO) would display verified results on the Notice Board, for candidates’ attention. Step 4: When you are clear and you have paid your school fees, please proceed, with evidence of fees payment to obtain your Matriculation (student) Number from your Faculty Officer and register your courses. NB: Please, note that no candidate is allowed to do certificate verification outside the EBSU ICT. AG. Registrar For: MANAGMENT
Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 Academic Session SOBAPS 2nd Batch Admission List Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Federal University, Dutsin-Ma that the management has released the school of Basic and Preliminary Studies (SOBAPS) second batch admission list for 2017/2018 academic session. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. SOBAPS 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List SOBAPS 2017/2018 ACADEMIC SESSION REGISTRATION COMMENCES ON TUESDAY 2ND JANUARY 2018 AND ENDS ON TUESDAY 16TH JANUARY. NO REGISTRATION AFTER TUESDAY 16TH JANUARY 2018. THANKS.
Yobe State University 2017/2018 Academic Session Registration of New Students & Late Registration For Old Students
This is to inform all newly admitted students of Yobe State University that, Central Registration Excercise will commence from Wednesday, 27th December, 2017 to Saturday, 6th January, 2018. Similarly, all returning students who were unable to register within the stipulated time schedule (13th to 30th December, 2017) could do so between 2nd and 6th January, 2018 on payment of N2000.00 to Bursary Department as surcharge for late registration. The above information is for your noting and implementation, please. SIGNED ALHASSAN IBRAHIM DANJAJI Deputy Registrar (Academic Division) For: REGISTRAR
Federal University Nduf-Alike Ikwo (FUNAI), Ebonyi State, 2017/2018 MBBS & B.A Religious Post-UTME Screening Results Out
This is to inform all candidates that sat for the post-UTME screening of the Federal University Nduf-Alike Ikwo (FUNAI), Ebonyi State for College of Medicine (MBBS) and B. A. Religion that the result of the exercise is out. To access your Post-UTME result, Click Here or Click on Check PUTME Screening Result on the QUICK LINKS menu item and follow the under-listed steps: On the Post-UTME Screening Result Portal, enter your JAMB Registration Number and select the Supplementary Result from the dropdown menu to generate an invoice. Make payment at the bank using the invoice generated from the portal. Return to the portal to check your result. NOTE: All candidates offered provisional admission in the 2017/2018 session have up to 15th January, 2018 to accept it. Kindly note that any offer not accepted on/ or before the said date is automatically forfeited.
Nasarawa State University, Keffi, NSUK 2017/2018 Academic Session UTME/DE Admission List Now Available Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK) and participated in the admission screening exercise that the management has released the 2017/2018 UTME and Direct Entry Admission List. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. NSUK 2017/2018 UTME/Direct Entry Admission List Released Congratulations to the admitted candidates!!
Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State, FUNAI 2017/2018 MBBS & B.A Religious Admission List Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State that the management has announced the released of the 2017/2018 MBBS and B.A Religious Admission List. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status. Read also: FUNAI 2017/2018 Acceptance Fee Payment & Registration Procedure Out How To Check FUNAI 2017/2018 1st Batch Admission List. * Candidates are to visit the University admission checking portal via * Enter your JAMB Registration Number in the box provided. *Click on CHECK STATUS to access your admission status. Congrats to the admitted candidates!!! NOTE : All candidates offered provisional admission in the 2017/2018 session have up to 15th January, 2018 to accept it. Kindly note that any offer not accepted on/ or before the said date is automatically forfeited.
Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State, FUNAI Notice To Newly Admitted MBBS Students For 2017/2018 Session
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State that the management has instruct the newly admitted MBBS for 2017/2018 academic session as follows. Accommodation has been reserved for all. candidates offered admission into the MBBS program. Please be informed that no candidate for the said program will live outside the university campus. All concerned should be properly guided.
Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State, FUNAI 2017/2018 Academic Session Approved Charges For MBBS Program
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State that the management has released the approved MBBS charges for 2017/2018 academic session. FUNAI 2017/2018 Approved Charges For MBBS Program 1. Acceptance fee – #50,000 2. Other Charges – #100,000 3. Portal charges for online course registration – #3,000 4. Hostel Accommodation ( Compulsory) – Remita – #30,000 Refundable caution Fee (Compulsory) #20,000 Account Name: FUNAI OUTLOOK LTD BANK: UBA ACCT NO: 1018854265 5. SUG DUES – #1,500 Account Name: FUNAI STUDENTS FORUM BANK: ZENITH BANK PLC ACCT NO: 1015160259 6. FUNAI PARENTS SECURITY LEVY – #50,000 Account Name: FUNAI PARENTS FORUM BANK: FIDELITY BANK PLC Acct No: 6060217667 7. FUNAI CUSTOMIZED T – SHIRT – #2,000 Account Name: FUNAI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BANK: FIDELITY BANK PLC Acct No: 6060202892 8. FACULTY DUES – #2,000 Account Name: FUNAI FACULTY OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES BANK: FIDELITY BANK PLC Acct No: 6060202926 9. GENERAL STUDIES FEE – #2,000 Account Name: FUNAI GENERAL STUDIES UNIT BANK: FCMB Acct No: 3031543022 10. MEDICAL ENDOWMENT FUND – #250,000 (Account Details to be provided) 11. FUNAI CUSTOMIZED NOTE BOOKS – #1,500 (To be collected at the University Bookshop) NOTE: 1. You should generate a payment invoice from the portal for all the online payment options (Acceptance Fee, Other Charges). 2. You are also expected to follow the stipulated registration procedures. 3. More importantly, hostel accommodation has been reserved for all candidates offered admission into the MBBS programme. Please, be informed that no candidate for the programme wil live outside the University campus. Congratulations. Dr Charles Nkem Okolie Ag. Dean Student Affairs
Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State, FUNAI 2017/2018 Approved Charges For B.A Religious Studies
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State that the management has released the approved 2017/2018 charges for B.A Religious Studies. FUNAI 2017/2018 Approved Charges For B.A Religious Studies 1. Acceptance fee – #15,000 2. Other Charges – #44,000 3. Portal charges for online course registration – #3,000 4. Hostel Accommodation (Optional) – Remita – #30,000 Refundable caution Fee (Optional – only for those resident in the hostel) – #20,000 Account Name: FUNAI OUTLOOK LTD BANK: UBA – ACCT NO: 1018854265 5. SUG DUES – #1,500 Account Name: FUNAI STUDENTS FORUM BANK: ZENITH BANK PLC ACCT NO:. 1015160259 6. FUNAI PARENTS SECURITY LEVY – #50,000 Account Name: FUNAI PARENTS FORUM BANK: FIDELITY BANK PLC Acct No: 6060217667 7. FUNAI CUSTOMIZED T – SHIRT – #2,000 Account Name: FUNAI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BANK: FIDELITY BANK PLC Acct No: 6060202892 8. FACULTY DUES – #2,000 Account Name: FUNAI FACULTY OF HUMANITIES BANK: FIDELITY BANK PLC Acct No: 6060202926 9. GENERAL STUDIES FEE – #2,000 Account Name: FUNAI GENERAL STUDIES UNIT BANK: FCMB Acct No: 3031543022 10. FUNAI CUSTOMIZED NOTE BOOKS – #1,500 (To be collected at the University Bookshop) NOTE: That a payment invoice is to be generated on the portal for the online payment option (Acceptance Fee, Other Charges). You are also expected to follow the stipulated registration procedures. Congratulations. Dr Charles Nkem Okolie Ag. Dean Student Affairs.
Umaru Musa Yar’dua University, Katsina, UMYU 2017/2018 Pre-Degree & Remedial Studies Admission List Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Umaru Musa Yar’dua University, Katsina (UMYU) School of Pre-degree and Remedial Studies that the management has released the list of candidates offered provisional admission for 2017/2018 academic session. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school portal click the link below to view. UMYU 2017/2018 Pre-Degree And Remedial Studies Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates!!!
Friday, 22 December 2017
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, UMYU Pre-Degree & Remedial Admission List for 2017/2018 Academic Session Out
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, UMYU pre-degree and Remedial Studies (IJMBE) admission list for the 2017/2018 academic session is out. The management of the Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, School of Pre-Degree and Remedial Studies, has released the admission list for the 2017/2018 academic session. Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Pre-Degree and Remedial Studies admission list for the 2017/2018 academic session is now available online. HOW TO CHECK UMYU PRE-DEGREE & REMEDIAL ADMISSION LIST. Go to access your admission status. Congratulations to all the successfully admitted candidates.
University Of Benin, UNIBEN 2017/2018 Academic Session 2nd Batch Admission List Has Been Published Available Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into University Of Benin (UNIBEN) and participated in the Post-UTME Screening Exercise that the 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List is out. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status.. UNIBEN 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List Checking Procedure -Visit the admission checking portal via -Enter your Username and Password in the spaces provided -Click on Login to access your admission details. Congratulations to the admitted candidates!!!
University Of Benin, UNIBEN 2017/2018 Academis Session Direct Entry Admission List Has Been Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into University Of Benin (UNIBEN) and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 Direct Entry Admission List is out. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status.. UNIBEN 2017/2018 Direct Entry Admission List Checking Procedure -Visit the admission checking portal via -Enter your Username and Password in the spaces provided -Click on Login to access your admission details. Congratulations to the admitted candidates!!!
Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, UDUSOK 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List Published Available Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUSOK) and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List is out. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status. UDUSOK 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List Checking Procedure -Visit the admission checking portal via -Enter your JAMB Registration Number in the space provided -Click on “CHECK ADMISSION” to view your admission details Congratulations to the admitted candidates!!!
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, UNIZIK Notice To 2017/2018 Academic Session UTME Candidates Not Yet Admitted
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and who made the University their first choice in the 2017/2018 academic session and also scored 40 and above in the UTME screening test but were not admitted can now apply for admission into our affiliate institutions: Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze, Enugu State College of Education (Technical), Enugu and Auchi Polytechnic. The requirements for admission are the same as in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. All interested candidates should apply and submit their letters to the Admission office, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The application is free of charge The approved courses are as follows: APPROVED COURSES; ENUGU STATE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL), ENUGU Science Education, Options: Education Biology Education Chemistry Education Physics Education Maths Education Computer Science Education Integrated Science Educational Foundation, Options: Education Igbo Education English Education Fine & Applied Arts Education Management & Policy Options: Education Economics Education political Science Human Kinetics and Health Education Guidance and Counselling Library & Information Science Education Early Childhood & Primary Education Vocational Education, Options: Technical Education Business Education COLLEGE EDUCATION (TECHNICAL) UMUNZE Technical Education Options: Electrical Electronics Building Construction/Woodwork, Mechanical/Automobile Science Education Options: Physics Chemistry Biology Integrated Science Computer Science and Maths Business Education Library & Information Science Education Educational Management & Policy Early Childhood & Primary Education Adult Education Human Kinetics & Health Education Guidance and Counselling AUCHI POLYTECHNIC Accountancy Business Administration Science Education Estate Management Business Education
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Akwa Ibom State University, AKSU Direct Entry Admission List for 2017/2018 Academic Session Published Online
Akwa Ibom State University, AKSU direct entry admission list for the 2017/2018 academic session is out. Authorities of the Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU) have released the direct entry admission list for the 2017/2018 academic session. Candidates that applied for AKSU Direct Entry can now check their Admission Status. CHECK AKSU DIRECT ENTRY ADMISSION LIST. G0 to AKSU admission status checking portal at Supply your Direct Entry registration number and click on the button CHECK ADMISSION STATUS. CAMPUSLIT Team congratulates candidates that made it to AKSU direct entry admission list.
Osun State University, UNIOSUN Pre-Degree Result and Admission List Available Online for 2017/2018 Academic Session
Osun State University, UNIOSUN pre-degree entrance examination result and admission list for the 2017/2018 academic session are out. The authorities of the Osun State University (UNIOSUN) have announced the release of the pre-degree entrance examination results and admission list for the 2017/2018 academic session. Candidates that participated in the Osun State University (UNIOSUN) 2017/2018 academic session pre-degree entrance examination can now check their results and admission statuses. CHECK OSUN STATE UNIVERSITY PRE-DEGREE RESULT AND ADMISSION LIST. Go to UNIOSUN pre-degree portal @ Enter your PD Form Number and Registration PIN Code where required Finally, click on sign in to access your UNIOSUN pre-degree result and admission status. CAMPUSLIT Team congratulates all the candidates that made it to UNIOSUN pre-degree programme for the 2017/2018 academic session.
UPDATE: Yobe State University, Damaturu 2017/2018 Academic Session Registration Schedule Now Published Online
This is to inform all students of Yobe State University, Damaturu that the management has released the registration schedule for 2017/2018 academic session. SCHEDULE OF CENTRAL REGISTRATION EXERCISE FOR THE YEAR 2017/2018 ACADEMIC SESSION (RETURNING STUDENTS ONLY) S/N PROGRAMME DATE 1. Biology Chemistry Computer Science Education Science Mathematics Physics G.S.T. Law Wednesday, 13th December, 2017 to Friday, 15th December, 2017 2. Arabic Education Arts English G.S.T. Hausa History Islamic Studies Saturday,16thDecember, 2017 to Tuesday, 19thDecember, 2017 3. Accountancy Business Administration Economics Education Mgt. Sciences Education Social Sciences G.S.T. Geography Political Science Public Admin. Sociology Wednesday, 20thDecember, 2017 to Friday, 22ndDecember, 2017 4. CHRISTMAS BREAK: Saturday, 23rd December, 2017 to Tuesday, 26th December, 2017 5. Late Registration for the entire Programmes of the University Wednesday, 27th December, 2017 to Saturday, 30thDecember, 2017 6. Bank Details: ACCOUNT NAME: Yobe State University Students Registration Account UBA ACCT. Number: 1006400111 7. Schedule of payments (See Attached) Note: Schedule of Registration for new students will be released later, please. SIGNED: ALHASSAN IBRAHIM DANJAJI Dep. Reg. (Academic Division) FOR: REGISTRAR
The Polytechnic Ibadan 2017/2018 Academic Session ND Full-Time (UTME) Admission List Now Available Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into The Polytechnic Ibadan and participated in the admission screening exercise that the National Diploma Full-Time (UTME) Admission List is out for 2017/2018 academic session. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status. How To Check Your Admission Status 1. Visit the admission checking portal via 2. Enter your Username and Password in the box provided. 3. Click on Login and proceed to check your admission details. All admitted candidates are to proceed with payment of acceptance fees of (25,3000).
Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo 2017/2018 Academic Session ND Full-Time UTME Admission List Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 National Diploma (ND) Full-Time UTME Admission List is out. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school website. Imo State Polytechnic 2017/2018 ND Full-Time UTME Admission List Important Notice – JAMB 2017: How To Accept Your Admission On CAPS NOTE : ALL APPROVED ND CANDIDATES ARE TO FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING STEPS TO ACCEPT/REJECT THE OFFER: LOG ON TO: Enter your email and password Click on CAPS (left side) Select Admission status (on left side) On admission profile, accept or reject offer of admission.
Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi 2017/2018 Academic Session Acceptance Fee Payment & Registration Deadline Released
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi that the management has announced the deadline for acceptance fee payment and registration for 2017/2018 academic session. Please note that the closing date for online acceptance of provisional admission & registration is Wednesday 20th of December 2017. Any candidate that fails to meet the deadline automatically forfeits his/her offer of admission for the 2017/2018 academic session.
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, 2017/2018 1st & 2nd Batch NCE Full-Time (UTME) Admission List Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 First and second batch NCE Full-Time UTME Admission List Out. However, names of admitted candidates is available online and uploaded on the school portal click the link below as applicable. Alvan Ikoku 2017/2018 1st Batch NCE Admission List Alvan Ikoku 2017/2018 2nd Batch NCE Admission List Successful candidates should take the following steps for their registration process 1. Log onto click on Student Portal to generate their Acceptance Fee Invoice. 2. Proceed with your invoice to Alvana Microfinance Bank to make your payment. 3. Pay the Acceptance Fee with your IPR invoice . 4. Return to the College ICT Centre with your payment receipt to print the Admission Screening Documents. 5. Proceed to the College Admissions Unit with originals of the following: O’Levels Birth Certificate LGA Identification JAMB Result Slip Acknowledgement Slip Passport Photograph Evidence of Payment of Acceptance Fee. All printed screening documents. Open your files with the screening officers.
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, 2016/2017 1st Semester NCE & Degree Full-Time Results Out Online
This is to inform all students of Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri that the management has released the 2016/2017 first Semester NCE and Degree Full-Time results online. Students are encouraged to check their results online by logging into their profiles on the College Portal using their SPC codes and password. Departments whose results are not available should go to the Academic Planning Unit and ensure their results are submitted to enable their students view their results online.
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri 2017/2018 Academic Session 2nd Batch Degree Admission List Released
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 2nd Batch Degree Programme Admission List is out. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school portal click the link below to view. Alvan Ikoku 2017/2018 2nd Batch Degree Programme Admission List Successful candidates should take the following steps for their registration process 1. Log onto click on Student Portal to generate their Acceptance Fee Invoice. 2. Proceed with your invoice to Alvana Microfinance Bank to make your payment. 3. Pay the Acceptance Fee with your IPR invoice . 4. Return to the College ICT Centre with your payment receipt to print the Admission Screening Documents. 5. Proceed to the College Admissions Unit with originals of the following: O’Levels Birth Certificate LGA Identification JAMB Result Slip Acknowledgement Slip Passport Photograph Evidence of Payment of Acceptance Fee. All printed screening documents. Open your files with the screening officers.
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri 2017/2018 Academic Session (Merit) 1st Batch Direct Entry Admission List Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri that the management has released the Direct Entry first batch admission list for 2017/2018 academic session. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school portal click the link below to view. Alvan Ikoku 2017/2018 1st Batch Direct Entry Admission List Successful candidates should take the following steps for their registration process 1. Log onto click on Student Portal to generate their Acceptance Fee Invoice. 2. Proceed with your invoice to Alvana Microfinance Bank to make your payment. 3. Pay the Acceptance Fee with your IPR invoice . 4. Return to the College ICT Centre with your payment receipt to print the Admission Screening Documents. 5. Proceed to the College Admissions Unit with originals of the following: O’Levels Birth Certificate LGA Identification JAMB Result Slip Acknowledgement Slip Passport Photograph Evidence of Payment of Acceptance Fee. All printed screening documents. Open your files with the screening officers.
Federal University Otuoke Bayelsa State, FUOTUOKE 2017/2018 Registration & Clearance For Newly Admitted Students
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Federal University Otuoke Bayelsa State that the management has announced the commencement of registration and clearance for 2017/2018 academic session. All newly admitted students are to report at the ICT Office in the Library Building in the West Campus for their Registration and Clearance. For any issues call 0810 530 2734 or 0703 535 8949. Signed. Mr Odio Abiobele, For, Director, ICT Center.
University Of Benin, UNIBEN 2017/2018 Academic Session Approved Academic Calendar Published [1st & 2nd Semester]
This is to inform all students of University Of Benin that the management has released the approved academic calendar for 2017/2018 academic session. The schedule of activities of the academic calendar is available below. FIRST SEMESTER 2017/2018 ACADEMIC SESSION *07/01/2018 – New Students come into residence for 2017/2018 academic session. *08/01/2018 Clearance begins for new students. *14/01/2018 – Old students come into residence. *15/01/2018 – Lectures begin for all students for first semester of 2017/2018 Academic Session. *16/02/2018 – Deadline for registration and payment of school charges/fees for 2017/2018 academic session. *03/03/2018 – Matriculation (8 weeks after resumption). *23/03/2018 – End of 1 semester lectures for 2017/2018 Academic Session (12 weeks). *26/03/2018 – 30/03/2018 – Revision (one week). *02/04/2018 – Examinations begin in Faculties of Education/Pharmacy/ Engineering/Life Sciences/Physical Sciences/Environmental Sciences. *06/04/2018 – CED Examination. *09/04/2018–20/04/2018 – Other Faculties Examinations begin (two weeks) *23/04/2018-27/04/2018 – GST Exams (CBT). *30/04/2018-11/05/2018 – Students go down for first semester break (Two weeks break) SECOND SEMESTER 2017/2018 ACADEMIC SESSION *12/05/2018 – Students come into residence for second semester. *14/05/2018 – Lectures begin for second semester. *03/08/2018 – Second semester lectures end. *06/08/2018 – 10/08/2018 – Revision (one week) *13/08/2018 – Examinations begin in Faculties of Education/Pharmacy/ Engineering/Life Sciences/Physical Sciences/Environmental Sciences. *17/08/2018 – CED Examinations. *20/08/2018 – Other Faculties Examinations (two weeks.) *03/09/2018-07/09/2018 – General Studies Examinations. *08/09/2018 – Students go down (end of 2017/2018 academic session). *10/09/2018-21/09/2018 – Schools/ Faculties/Institutes/Departments/Board of Studies meet to consider 2017/2018 sessional results. *24/09/2018-28/09/2018 – Business Committee meets to consider results for lower level for 2017/2018 academic session. *02/10/2018-05/10/2018 – Senate meets to consider Sessional Results for higher levels for 2017/2018 academic session. *03/11/2018 – New students come into residence for 2018/2019 academic session. *17/10/2018 – Old students come into residence for 2018/2019 academic session. *19/11/2018 – Lectures begin for 1 Semester of 2018/2019 academic session.
University of Benin, UNIBEN Suspended Students Union Executives & Activities On Monday, 4 December, 2017
This is to inform the general public that the Senate of the University of Benin, at its special meeting held on Monday, 4 December, 2017 deliberated exhaustively on the role played by the present Students’ Union Executives and Parliament on the recent students’ unrest. The Senate, after due consideration, decided as follows: That the present Students’ Union Executives and Parliament be suspended from office and advised to handover any property belonging to the union and University to the appropriate authority. Consequently, Management has set up a panel of investigation to look at the remote and immediate cause(s) of the crisis. In the meantime, Management will make representation to Council on the issues of review of hostel charges.
Federal University Of Technology, Owerri, FUTO 2017/2018 Academic Session Pre-Degree Admission Form On Sale
Applications are welcomed from suitably qualified candidates for admission into Federal University Of Technology, Owerri Pre-Degree Programme for 2017/2018 academic session. ELIGIBILITY 1. Interested candidates must possess at least five O’level credit in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Agricultural Science. 2. Must have registered or intend to registered for the 2018 UTME . APPLICATION FEE FUTO pre-degree application form cost Eleven Thousand Naira (N11,000) . APPLICATION PROCEDURE Candidates are advised to apply on-line following the procedure given below: Step 1: Go to the FUTO Website – Step 2: Click on Prospective Students. Step 3: Go to 2017/2018 Pre Degree Application Form Step 4: Click on generate 2017/2018 Pre Degree Application Invoice Step 5: Enter your Telephone Number Step 6: Click on Fill other required details Step 7: Print your invoice containing your RRR code (Remita Retrieval Reference) and proceed to any bank for payment. Step 8: After successful payment in bank, return to the portal Step 9: Click on 2017/2018 Pre Degree Application Step 10: Enter your phone number again and click on apply . Step11: Proceed with the completion of the Application form. Step 12: Print your application Acknowledgment slip Step 13: Await further announcement from the University APPLICATION DEADLINE The closing date for online submission of completed application forms is January 31, 2018.
Yobe State University 2017/2018 Academic Session School Fees Schedule Out For New & Returning Students
This is to inform all students of Yobe State University both new and returning that the management has released the approved school fees schedule for 2017/2018 academic session. However, the school fees schedule is available on the image below. YSU 2017/2018 School Fees Schedule For New And Returning Students *Non-Indigene Tuition fee (Sci/Arts) = 20,000 *Non-Indigene Tuition fee (Law) = 25,000 *Accomodation = 5000 *Subsidiary course = 200 *Field trip = 2,000 (Geography, Biology, Ed. Geography and History students)
Management of the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC 2017 Batch B Stream II Orientation Course Commencement Date Announced
This is to inform the general public especially all prospective Corps members that the Management of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has disclosed the date for the commencement of the 2017 Batch ‘B’ Stream II Orientation Course. However, the management scheduled the 2017 Batch ‘B’ Stream II Orientation course to commence from 16th January and ends on 5th February 2018 Nationwide. All prospective corps members are to proceed to their Orientation camps at the camp addresses indicated in their call-up letters.
Federal School Of Surveying, Oyo, FSS-OYO 2016/2017 Academic Session 2nd Semester Academic Calendar Released
This is to inform all students of Federal School Of Surveying, Oyo that the management has released the approved Second Semester academic calendar for 2016/2017 academic session. Below is the schedule of activities for the 2016/2017 2nd Semester. FSS-OYO 2016/2017 2nd Semester Academic Calendar *2nd Semester Resumption 5th December 2017 *Registration 5th December – 8th December 2017 *Lectures Start 11th December 2017 *Xmas and New Year Break 22nd December 2017 – 5th January 2018 *Lectures End 2nd March 2018 *Revision 5th March – 9th March 2018 *2nd Semester Examination 12th March -23rd March 2018 *Beginning of SIWES (16 weeks) 26th March 2018 *Project Defense (NDII & HNDII) 9th March -13th March 2018 *Academic Board Meeting 25th April 2018 *Resumption for 2017/2018 Session 30th April 2018
UPDATE: Lagos State University, Ojo, LASU 2017/2018 Academic Session Acceptance Fee Payment Disclaimer Notice
The attention of the Central Admission screening Committee of the Lagos State University, Ojo, has been drawn to a fraudulent post in circulation, asking 2017/2018 Newly admitted students to proceed to pay certain amount as admission acceptance fee by the University. Please disregard the post. All Students offered admission by the Lagos State University for the 2017/2018 Academic Session and Members of the General Public are hereby informed that the Central Admission Screening Committee of the University is yet to commence such processes and so such information should be disregarded. Please be informed that a formal Statement on the Admission Procedures and Processes for clearance of Candidates will be released by the Screening Committee on Thursday 14th December, 2017. Thank you.
Adeyemi College Of Education, Ondo State, ACEONDO 2017/2018 1st Batch (UTME) Degree Admission List Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Adeyemi College Of Education, Ondo State that the management has released the first batch UTME Degree Admission List for 2017/2018 academic session. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school website Click the link below to check. ACEONDO 2017/2018 1st Batch UTME Degree Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates!!!
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, EKSU 2017/2018 Academic Session School Fees Payment Deadline Announced For Freshers
This is to inform all students offered provisional admission into Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti that the management has announced the school fees payment deadline for 2017/2018 academic session. Any newly admitted students that fails to pay up his/her school fees by Wednesday, 20th of December, 2017 would automatically lose his/her admission and replaced. Please Inform Others…
Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro 2017/2018 Academic Session HND 2nd Batch Admission List Now Available Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro that the management has released the Higher National Diploma (HND) second batch admission list for 2017/2018 academic session. However, names of admitted candidates is not available online but pasted on the school notice board. Candidates are advised to visit the school notice board to check their name on the admission List. Delta State Poly, Ozoro 2017/2018 HND 2nd Batch Admission List
Lagos State Polytechnic, LASPOTECH 2017/2018 Academic Session ND Full-Time (UTME) Admission List Published
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Lagos State Polytechnic that the management has announced the released of National Diploma (ND) Full-Time UTME Admission List for 2017/2018 academic session. All candidates applying into the National Diploma (ND) Programme of the Lagos State Polytechnic to visit Jamb Central Admission Processing Systems (CAPS) website – accept the offer of provisional admission. Recommended; How To Check Your Admission Status On JAMB CAPS Portal. The Jamb admission letter is part of the requirements for the registration exercise.
The Management of National Youth Service Corps, NYSC 2016 Batch ‘B’ Stream II Winding Up/Passing-Out Date False Alert
This is to inform the general public especially prospective corps members that the Management of National Youth Service Corps wishes to state that the information in circulation, that it has fixed Passing-Out date for 2016 Batch ‘B’ Stream ll Corps Members for Thursday 21st December, 2017, is false. The general public, most especially our esteemed Corps Members and distinguished stakeholders should disregard the purported circular. We are using this medium to commend our Corps Members nationwide, for their patience, spirit of patriotism and selfless services through socio-economic development of their various host communities. The official passing-out date would be communicated to the general public through our usual official channels – @nysc_ng, , Thank you. Signed. Management.
Lagos State University (LASU) 2017/2018 Academic Session Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure Released Online
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Lagos State University (LASU) that the management has announced the payment of acceptance fees for 2017/2018 academic session. All successfully admitted candidates in the 2017/2018 Lagos State University admissions exercise (100 Level and Direct Entry) are required to pay a NON-REFUNDABLE ACCEPTANCE FEE of N20,000 as from Friday 15th December,2017 to Friday 29th December, 2017. METHOD OF PAYMENT *Visit LASU E-Payment portal: http:// *While on the LASU E-Payment page, you are required to enter your UTME Registration Number in the Column marked with Matric Number/ PaymentID/Application Number. *Select “Main Campus” in the Column for “Campus” *Select “Undergraduate” in the Column for “Study Type”. *Then Click on “Proceed” to continue. *Your details will be displayed with the amount to be paid *Click the radio box “Confirm information and proceed” *An invoice with the TRANSACTION ID will be generated. Please PRINT the INVOICE *Proceed to complete the payment using the TRANSACTION ID on your printed invoice STUDENTS’ UNDERTAKING FORM ALL admitted freshmen are required to download and complete the “Students’ Undertaking Form”. The form is available at This form will be submitted along with other documents during the Central Admissions Clearance exercise CENTRAL A DMISSIONS CLEARANCE EXERCISE (CACE) The Time Table for the 2017/2018 Central Admissions Clearance exercise shall be released soon.
The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji Ondo State 2017/2018 ND 2nd Batch Post-UTME Screening Results Now Available
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji Ondo State and participated in the Post-UTME Screening Exercise that the 2017/2018 ND Full-Time (UTME) second batch Post-UTME Screening Result is out. However, the Post-UTME Screening Results has been uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji 2017/2018 ND 2nd Batch Post-UTME Screening Result Please Inform Others…
University Of Jos (UNIJOS) Remedial Science Programme 2017/2018 Academic Session Admission List Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into University Of Jos (UNIJOS) Remedial Science Programme that the management has released the list of candidates offered provisional admission for 2017/2018 academic session. Admission into the Department of Remedial Science of University of Jos has been released. Applicants are advise to check their admission status on the University website through the following procedure: Log on to Click on continue registration below the application form Log in with your email address and password Click proceed to application area and Click activity menu on your personal details Finally click on admission status to view your admission. All successful candidates are expected to report to the Department of Remedial Science for Registration upon payment of an acceptance fee of N25,000.00 only.
Federal Poltechnic, Ile Oluji Ondo State 2017/2018 Academic Session Acceptance Fee Payment Details Now Available
This is to inform all candidates whom have been offered provisional admission into the Federal Poltechnic, Ile Oluji Ondo State for 2017/2018 academic session and who have “Accepted” the admission on the JAMB Portal are advised to pay the stipulated Acceptance Fee immediately. Placement is on first come first served bases. If in doubts please contact the following numbers 07039139160 and 07039090114 or come directly to the Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji Ondo State. Do not pay into any private aacount.
The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji Ondo State 2017/2018 Academic Session ND Full-Time UTME Admission List Available
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji Ondo State and participated in the Post-UTME Screening Exercise that the 2017/2018 National Diploma (ND) Full-Time admission list is out. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji 2017/2018 ND Full-Time UTME Admission List The successful candidates are expected to report to the Registrar’s Office, from Monday, 27th November, 2017 to collect their acceptance letter and for further briefings on their admission. On behalf of the Mangement of the Polytechnic, congratulations.
Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State FUOTUOKE 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List Now Available Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State and participated in the Post-UTME Screening Exercise that the management has released the 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available on the school portal click the link below to check. FUOTUOKE 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List The succesful Candidates are hereby requested to report in order to commence registration processes from Tuesday, December 19th, 2017
Federal University, Dutsin-Ma FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 Session 2nd Batch Admission List Now Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Federal University, Dutsin-Ma and participated in the Post-UTME Screening Exercise that the management has released the 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List. However, names of admitted candidates has been uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List Successful Candidates are advised to make payment of acceptance of admission only and proceed for screening while the dates for payment of School charges and hostel accommodation will be announced in due course.
Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo FUNAI 2017/2018 Postgraduate Programme Admission Form Available For Sale
Applications are welcomed from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the under-listed programmes (full-time, part-time and weekend) in the School of Postgraduate Studies, Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo (FUNAI) for the 2017/2018 academic session. 1. Faculty of Science PGD, M.Sc. and PhD in: Computer Science Geology/Geophysics Statistics 2. Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences M.Sc. and PhD in Physiology 3. Faculty of Management and Social Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in: Accountancy Business Administration Economics Sociology Psychology Criminology and Security Studies ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A.General Requirements To be eligible for admission into a postgraduate programme in FUNAI, all candidates must possess a minimum of credit pass in O’ level English Language. In addition, candidates seeking admission into the Faculties of Science, Basic Medical Sciences and Management and Social Sciences must have a minimum of a credit pass in Mathematics. All prospective applicants must possess at least 5 O’ level Credit passes at not more than 2 sittings from WAEC, GCE, NECO or TC II. Any candidate who does not satisfy the O’ level requirements for the courses of choice shall not be considered for admission. B.Specific Requirements 1. Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) To qualify for admission into the PGD programme,candidates must: *hold a bachelor’s degree from the Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo or equivalent institutions recognized by Senate, *hold a Higher National Diploma (HND) from a recognized institution, passed at upper credit in a related discipline, or *hold a third class degree from the Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo or from an equivalent institution recognized by Senate, with a CPGA not below 2 on a 5-point scale, or hold a Higher National Diploma (HND) from a recognized institution, passed at lower credit level in a related discipline. 2. Masters’ Degree (M.Sc.) To qualify for admission into the Master’s Degree (M.Sc.) programme, candidates must: 1. be graduates of the Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo or equivalent institutions recognized by Senate, who hold a Second Class (Hons.), Upper Division degree in relevant disciplines. 2. hold the Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) of the FederalnUniversity Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo or PGD from equivalent institutions recognized by Senate with a CPGA of not less than 4.0 on a 5-point scale. 3. Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D) To be eligible for admission into the Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) programme,candidates must: 1. hold a Master’s degree in the appropriate field of study from any University recognized by Senate of the Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo 2. have obtained a CPGA of not less than 3.5 on a 5-point scale METHOD OF APPLICATION Interested candidates who meet the requirements outlined above should obtain application forms from the Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies, NEEDS Assessment Building, FUNAI, after the payment of an application fee of N15,000 through Remita and obtaining RRR number. Payment should be made in favour of Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo at any bank. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORMS Completed application forms and photocopy of all relevant credentials should be enclosed in an envelope marked “PG Admission” and returned to: The Secretary School of Postgraduate Studies Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo PMB 1010 Abakaliki, Ebonyi State Note: 1. Candidates are also required to provide reports from three referees, one of whom should be their former Head of Department. 2. Candidates should request their institutions to forward their academic transcripts in sealed cover to the address above not later than the closing date. Any candidate whose transcript is not received will not be considered for admission. CLOSING DATE All completed applications, academic transcripts and referees’ reports must reach the Office of the Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies not later than 31st January, 2018 to be considered for the 2017/2018 admission exercise. Signed: Odisa C. Okeke (Mrs) Registrar
The Management Of The National Youth Service Corps, NYSC 2016 Batch B’ Stream II Passing-Out Date Announced
The Management of the National Youth Service Corps has fixed Thursday, 21st December, 2017 for the Winding up/Passing out activities of the 2016 Batch ‘B’ Stream II Corps Members Nationwide. The Winding up/Passing-out activities will be low-keyed with the distribution of Certificate of National Service to deserving Corps Members at the Zonal Office Level. Management wishes to commend and thank all Corps Members for their Selfless Service, Dedication, Resilience, Patriotism to the nation and patience while awaiting the official passing out date. However, we also wish to admonish Corps Members on their comments and posts in the social media on issues relating to the scheme and advice that, being abusive and deployment of wrong use of words does not reflect responsible attitude and behaviour. It is worthwhile to reflect our collective attribute of role models for the youths being responsible graduates who had been found worthy in character and learning in the various citadels of excellence. Management wishes to thank you for your various contributions in fostering national unity and development and wish you all journey mercies as you return to your respective destinations. Congratulations on completion of the National Service and God bless. Signed Management.
Federal University, Lafia, FULAFIA 2017/2018 Academic Session 2nd Batch UTME & DE Admission List Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Federal University, Lafia and participated in the admission screening exercise that the management has released the 2017/2018 2nd Batch UTME and Direct Entry Admission List. However, names of admitted candidates is not yet available online but pasted on the school notice board. Candidates are to visit the school notice board or call a friend over there to check for you. Congratulations to the admitted candidates!!!
Federal University, Gusau Zamfara State, FUGUSAU 2017/2018 2nd Batch UTME & DE Admission List Released
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Federal University, Gusau Zamfara State and participated in the admission screening exercise that the management has released the 2017/2018 2nd Batch UTME and Direct Entry Admission List. However, names of admitted candidates is not yet available online but pasted on the school notice board. Candidates are advised to visit the school notice board or call someone to check for you over there. Congratulations to the admitted candidates!!!
Sunday, 17 December 2017
Sule Lamido University 2017/2018 2nd Batch UTME/DE Admission List Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Sule Lamido University, Jigawa State and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 2nd Batch UTME/Direct Entry Admission List is out. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below as applicable to download.SLU 2017/2018 2nd Batch UTME Admission List SLU 2017/2018 2nd Batch Direct Entry Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates
IBBU 2017/2018 IJMB CBT Entrance Examination Schedule Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into the IJMB programme of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai for 2017/2018 academic session that Computer-Based Entrance Test has been scheduled as follows: Date: Saturday, 16th December, 2017.Venue: E- Library, Abubakar Gimba Library, Main Campus, Lapai.Time: 9:00 a.m prompt.Candidates are advised to come along with Acknowledgement Slip and Bank Teller of payment for the CBT entrance test.Signed:Samaila Muhammad,Registrar.
LASU 2017/2018 Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure Released
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission into Lagos State University (LASU) that the management has announced the payment of acceptance fees for 2017/2018 academic session. All successfully admitted candidates inthe 2017/2018 Lagos State Universityadmissions exercise (100 Level andDirect Entry) are required to pay a NON-REFUNDABLE ACCEPTANCE FEE ofN20,000 as from Friday 15th December,2017 toFriday 29th December, 2017.METHOD OF PAYMENTVisit LASU E-Payment portal: on the LASU E-Payment page,you are required to enter your UTMERegistration Number in the Columnmarked with Matric Number/PaymentID/Application Number.Select “Main Campus” in the Columnfor “Campus”Select “Undergraduate” in the Columnfor “Study Type”.Then Click on “Proceed” to continue.Your details will be displayed with theamount to be paidClick the radio box “Confirminformation and proceed”An invoice with the TRANSACTION IDwill be generated. Please PRINT theINVOICE*Proceed to the payment using theTRANSACTION ID on your printedinvoiceSTUDENTS’ UNDERTAKING FORMALL admitted freshmen are required todownload and complete the “Students’Undertaking Form”.The form is available at form will be submitted along withother documents during the CentralAdmissions Clearance exerciseCENTRAL A DMISSIONS CLEARANCEEXERCISE (CACE)The Time Table for the 2017/2018Central Admissions Clearance exerciseshall be released soon.
UNIJOS 2017/2018 Remedial Science Admission List Out
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into University Of Jos (UNIJOS) Remedial Science Programme that the management has released the list of candidates offered provisional admission for 2017/2018 academic session. Admission into the Department ofRemedial Science of University of Joshas been released.Applicants are advise to check their admission status on the University website through the followingprocedure: Log on to Click on continue registration below the application form Log in with your email address and password Click proceed to application area and Click activity menu on your personal details Finally click on admission status to view your admission. All successful candidates are expectedto report to the Department of RemedialScience for Registration upon payment of an acceptance fee of N25,000.00 only.
Federal Poly, Ile-Oluji 2017/2018 Acceptance Fee Payment Details
This is to inform all candidates whom have been offered provisional admission into the Federal Poltechnic, Ile Oluji Ondo State for 2017/2018 academic session and who have “Accepted” the admission on the JAMB Portal are advised to pay the stipulated Acceptance Fee immediately. Recommended: How To Accept Your Admission On JAMB CAPS Portal Placement is on first come first served bases.If in doubts please contact the following numbers 07039139160 and 07039090114 or come directly to the Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji Ondo State.Do not pay into any private aacount.
Admission List for Federal Poly, Ile-Oluji UTME 2017/2018 ND Full-Time Out (Click to Check now)
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji Ondo State and participated in the Post-UTME Screening Exercise that the 2017/2018 National Diploma (ND) Full-Time admission list is out. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download.The Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji 2017/2018 ND Full-Time UTME Admission List The successful candidates are expected to report to the Registrar’s Office, from Monday, 27th November, 2017 to collect their acceptance letter and for further briefings on their admission.On behalf of the Mangement of the Polytechnic, congratulations.
Saturday, 16 December 2017
Burna boy detained, to be charged to court Monday
Nigerian dancehall star, Damini Ogulu popularly known as ‘Burna Boy’ on Friday submitted himself to the Lagos State Police Command to state his side of the story over allegations of his involvement in a robbery attack on a fellow artiste, Mr. 2kay. He was subsequently arrested, interrogated and detained and is expected to be charged to court on Monday alongside four of members of the gang earlier arrested. Commissioner of Police, Mr. Imohimi Edgal, after the interrogation, said the State Police Command has zero tolerance for all forms of crime and would not hesitate to prosecute anyone found culpable in any criminal offence perpetrated in the State. “There would be no sacred cows. This Command is poised to ensure that every resident can feel safe wherever they are and carry out their businesses without fear or favour. Anyone therefore found to be involved in this case would be made to face the law to clear his or her name or face prosecution,” Imohimi said. The pop musician, who was declared wanted by the Lagos Police Command in connection with the robbery attack on another popular musician, Mr. 2kay at Eko Hotel and Suites early last month, reported to the Command headquarters in Ikeja at about 5pm. Tunmise Omotore, gang leader of the suspected robbers, had confessed on how they disguised as room service to rob Mr. 2kay at Eko Hotel and Suites on the instruction of Burba Boy’s Road Manager, Joel Kantiock.
Friday, 15 December 2017
Your December Plan: See The 10 Ways to Live a Simple (Check Now)
This month, make simplicity your No. 1 focus. Blow off some steam, take a risk for your own happiness and start preparing your next move. 1. Listen. If you feel uninspired by your current career or life path, maybe it’s time to switch up your schedule. This week, take a new class, hit a networking event—try new things until something sparks. 2. Find your strengths. Strengths are different than skills. Take an online strengths finder test to see where you are, where you need to improve and what possibilities are available to you. 3. Risk it. Seeking happiness takes courage. Be willing to risk it all for that one thing that keeps you up at night. Failing is better than never trying. 4. Define happiness. Developed by studying the happiest countries in the world, happiness is found at the intersection of pleasure, pride and purpose. Visit to measure your happiness. 5. Prep then step. Before starting your next project, draw up a concrete plan for the vision and direction. Prepare before you launch, but don’t prepare so much that you’re afraid to take the first step 6. Get real. Finding time to be completely alone with your thoughts isn’t easy. Carve out just three minutes a day to make space for whatever thoughts arise. 7. Name your fears. Change is scary, no matter how much we crave it. When you’re on the brink of a new endeavor, identify the specific emotions you’re feeling. It will help you understand and control them. 8. Don’t give in. ’Tis the season to stress out. Not you, not this year, though. When things don’t go as you planned them, adjust your perspective to one of gratitude for the time with loved ones. 9. Let loose. Anxiety can build up and cripple you. Blow off some steam by checking out an anger room in your area or signing up for an obstacle course race. 10. Show empathy. If a member of your team struggles with prioritizing tasks, pair them with someone who can see the big picture. A successful team requires complementary parts.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, COOU [ANSU] 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University formerly known as Anambra State University and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List is out. Candidates are advised to follow the procedures below to check their admission status. How To Check Your Admission Status 1. Visit the admission checking portal via Click on any of the Faculties as applicable to you and check your name on the list. Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
Yobe State University, Damaturu, 2017/2018 Academic Session Approved Academic Calendar Released Online
This is to inform all students of Yobe State University, Damaturu that the management has released the approved academic calendar for 2017/2018 academic session. Below is the breakdown of the academic calendar. APPROVED ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR 2017\2018 SESSION FIRST SEMESTER *Commencement and Ending of Central Registration Exercise Wednesday,13th December, 2017 to Saturday, 30th December, 2017 – 15 Days *ETTC Meets and Approves Lecture Time-table Wednesday, 27th December, 2017 to Wednesday, 27th December, 2017 – 1 Day *Commencement and Ending of Lectures Tuesday, 2nd January, 2018 to Friday, 6th April, 2018- 14th Weeks *Matriculation Thursday, 11th January, 2018 – 1 Day *First Semester Examinations Monday, 9th April, 2018 to Saturday, 21st April, 2018 – 2 Weeks *Marking and Consideration of Results at the Departmental, GST, Faculty and Senate Levels Monday, 23rd April, 2018 to Thursday, 17th May, 2018 – 4 Weeks *First Semester Break Monday, 23rd April, 2018 to Friday, 27th April, 2018 – 1 Week SECOND SEMESTER *ETTC Meets and Approves Lecture Time-Table Tuesday, 24th April, 2018 – 1 Day *Commencement of Lectures Monday, 30th April, 2018 Friday, 1st June, 2018 – 5 Weeks *Ramadan Break Monday, 4th June, 2018 to Friday, 15th June, 2018 – 2 Weeks *Continuation and Ending of Lectures Monday, 18th June, 2018 – Friday, 17th August, 2018 – 9 Weeks. *Second Semester Examinations Monday, 20th August, 2018 to Saturday, 1st September, 2018 – 2 Weeks *Marking and Consideration of Results at the Departmental, GST, Faculty and Senate Levels Monday, 3rd September, 2018 to Thursday, 11th October, 2018 – 6 Weeks *Second Semester Break Monday, 3rd September, 2018 While Resumption Date To be determined later Resumption date for the 2018/2019 Academic Session November 2018, actual date will be determined later. NOTE: All public holidays shall be observed accordingly as announced, please.
Taraba State University, Jalingo, 2017/2018 Academic Session (Merit List)1st Batch Admission List Released Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Taraba State University, jalingo that the management has released the 2017/2018 1st Batch Admission list of candidates offered provisional admission into Degree Programme in the various College/ Faculty School of the University. Recommended: How To Accept Your Admission On JAMB CAPS Portal. However, names of admitted candidates is uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. Taraba State University 2017/2018 1st Batch Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
Ignatius Ajuru University Of Education, IAUE 2017/2018 Academic Session Hostel Accommodation Procedure Published
The management of Ignatius Ajuru University Of Education wishes to inform all students who applied for 2017/2018 hostel accommodation that the procedure for hostel accommodation is as follows: IAUE 2017/2018 Procedure For Hostel Accommodation 1. Provisional offer of hostel accommodation will be made to students who have paid their school fees for 2017/2018 session only. 2. Accommodation allocation will be made online. Within a space of one week, students whose names appear on such provisional list online, will also be published on notice boards and should proceed to pay for their space ( online payment only) or forfeit their provisional accommodation. 3. Allocation to rooms will be effected immediately the accommodation fees are paid online. 4. The allocation fees are as follows: Hostel E: #25,000.00 Other Hostels #20,000.00 5. Students will see online the hostel/ room they have been allocated to and can then move to their respective hostels for their bed spaces. Signed Dr. Ugochukwu Agi Dean, Student’s Affairs.
The Federal Polytechnic, Oko Anambra State, 2017/2018 Academic Session ND Regular II [Evening] Admission List Released Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into The Federal Polytechnic, Oko Anambra State that the 2017/2018 ND Regular II (Evening) Admission List is out. Candidates are to follow the procedures below to check their admission status. How To Check Your Admission Status Candidates are to visit the admission checking portal via: 1. Select Student Type (National Diploma) 2. Select the academic session (2017/2018 session) 3. Input your JAMB Registration number or Application Number in the space provided. 4. Click “Submit” to check your admission status. Congratulations to the admitted candidates. Note: Scratch card is not required, it is totally free of charge.
Federal University Oye-Ekiti, FUOYE 2017/2018 Academic Session Pre-Degree Approved Academic Calendar Out Online
This is to inform all students of Federal University Oye-Ekiti that the management has released the approved Pre-Degree academic calendar for 2017/2018 academic session. The breakdown of the academic calendar is available below. FUOYE 2017/2018 Pre-Degree Academic Calendar FIRST SEMESTER *Resumption of Pre-Degree students Monday 30th October, 2017. *Orientation Programme for Pre-Degree Students Thursday 9th November, 2017. *Registration for Pre-Degree Students Continues Monday 30th October, 2017-Friday 10th November, 2017. *Lectures begin for Pre-Degree Students Monday, 13th November, 2017. *Mid Sessional Test for Pre-Degree Students Friday 15th December 2017-5th January,2018. *Resumption of Lectures Monday 8th January, 2018. *First Semester Examination Monday 12th – Friday 16th March, 2018. *FIRST SEMESTER BREAK Friday 16th March to Friday, 30th March 2018 SECOND SEMESTER *Commencement of Lectures for Second Semester Monday 2nd April to Friday, 20th July 2018 *End of Lectures Friday, 20th July 2018 *Second Semester Examination Wednesday 25th March to Friday, 27th July 2018
Federal University Oye-Ekiti, FUOYE 2017/2018 Academic Session Approved Academic Calendar Released Online
This is to inform all students of Federal University Oye-Ekiti that the management has released the approved academic calendar for 2017/2018 academic session. Below is the breakdown of the academic calendar FIRST SEMESTER 2017/2018 Friday 8th December, 2017 Resumption & Registration For Fresh & Returning Students *Monday 18th December, 2017 Orientation Programme for fresh Students begins *Wednesday 20th December, 2017 Orientation Programme for fresh Students Ends *Friday 22nd December, 2017 Christmas Break *Friday 5th January, 2018 Resumption from Christmas and New Year break *Monday 8th January, 2018 Lectures begin for Fresh Students *Monday 8th January, 2018 Registration for Returning Students begins Resumption/Registration for Students from SIWEP *Friday 12th January, 2018 Registration for Returning Students Ends *Monday 15th January, 2018 Lectures begins for All Returning Students *Monday 15th January, 2018 Late Registration for Students Returning from SIWEP begins *Friday 19th January, 2018 Late Registration for Students Returning from SIWEP ends *Friday 19th January, 2018 Registration for Fresh Students Ends/Late Registration Ends for all Students *Friday, 2nd February 2018 Matriculation Ceremony *Friday 27th April, 2018 Lectures ends for All Students *Monday 30th – Friday 4th May, 2018 Revision Week for All Students *Monday 7th May, 2018 First Semester Examination begins for All Students *Friday, 25th May, 2018 First Semester Examination Ends for All Students & End of First Semester 2016/2017 Academic Session. SUMMARY OF FIRST SEMESTER 2017/2018 ACADEMIC SESSION Registration of fresh & returning students/Orientation of fresh Students 5 Weeks (Including Christmas and New Year break Lectures 15 Weeks Revision 1 Week Examinations 3 Weeks Total 24 Weeks SECOND SEMESTER 2017/2018 *Monday, 4th June, 2018 SECOND SEMESTER 2017/2018 Lectures begins *Friday, 14th September, 2018 Lectures Ends *Monday, 17th – 21st Sept., 2018 Revision Week *Monday, 24th September, 2018 Second Semester Examinations Begins *Friday, 12th October, 2018 Second Semester Examinations ends *Friday, 1st November, 2018 End of 2016/2017 Academic Session SUMMARY OF SECOND SEMESTER 2017/2018 ACADEMIC SESSION Lectures 15 Weeks Revision 1 Week Examination 3 Weeks Total 19 Weeks
The Federal University Of Technology, Owerri, FUTO 2017/2018 School Fees Schedule Out For Undergraduate Published Online
This is to inform all students of Federal University Of Technology, Owerri that the management has released the undergraduate amount payable as school fees for 2017/2018 academic session. The breakdown of the school fee schedule is available on PDF FILE Click the link below to download. FUTO 2017/2018 School Fees Schedule For Undergraduate Click Here to view/download Undergraduate Schedule of fees in PDF format. Click Here to view/download Undergraduate Schedule of fees in Spreadsheet format. Please Inform Others.
The Federal University Of Technology, Owerri, FUTO 2017/2018 Postgraduate School Fees Schedule Published Online
This is to inform the general public especially all postgraduate students of Federal University Of Technology, Owerri that the management has released the approved amount payable as school fees for 2017/2018 academic session. The School fees shedule is available in PDF format Click the link below to download. FUTO 2017/2018 School Fees Schedule Out For Postgraduate Studies Click Here to view/download Postgraduate Studies Schedule of fees in PDF format Click Here to view/download Postgraduate Studies Schedule of fees in Spreadsheet format. Please Inform Others.
TheFederal University Of Technology, Owerri, FUTO 2017/2018 Centre For Continuing Education School Fees Schedule Released
This is to inform all Centre For Continuing Education (CCE) students of Federal University Of Technology, Owerri that the management has released the approved amount payable as school fees for 2017/2018 academic session. The breakdown of the school fees schedule is available in PDF format Click the link below to download. FUTO 2017/2018 Centre For Continuing Education (CCE) School Fees Schedule Click Here to view/download CCE Schedule of fees in PDF format. Click Here to view/download CCE Schedule of fees in Spreadsheet format. Please Inform Others.
Sunday, 10 December 2017
WATCH LIVE: DayStar Christian Centre In Dulci Jubilo: A Christmas Carol Concert 10th December, 2017 – 5pm – 8pm
When the Holy Spirit is in Charge of your life He will put you on the frequency of Praise and Thanksgiving. Complaining and murmuring will never come from the Holy Spirit. #DaystarCarol To watch, click any of the links below CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO WATCH ON FACEBOOK FACEBOOK LIVE CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO WATCH ON WEBSITE DAYSTAR LIVE You can now access the registration page but registration commences by 12.00 Noon WAT, today 4th Dec. Please, do not visit once registration commences, registration will only be at Also note that you need not sign up on to register. Thank you.
BUK Academic Calendar For Completion Of 2016/2017 Academic Session 2nd Semester Completion Of Activities
This is to inform the University Community of the Time-Table for the completion of the activities for the 2016/2017 presentation of 2nd Semester Examination Result. The Timetable is drawn based on the Senate-approved guidelines for such activities as follows: Timetable for the Completion of 2016/2017 Session Second Semester S/N DATE ACTIVITY 1 Saturday, 11th November, 2017 Last Examination Paper 2 Tuesday, 14th -Saturday,25th November, 2017 Faculty Committees on Examination Misconduct and Leakage to consider all suspected cases of Examination Misconduct. *(Within 2 weeks of last paper) 3 Tuesday, 28th November,2017 Central Committee on Examinations Misconduct and Leakages to consider reports from Faculty committees. 4 Saturday, 2nd December,2017 Latest day for completion of marking and submission of raw marks by examiners** (Three Weeks after Last Paper). 5 Monday, 4th-Saturday,23rd December, 2017 Departmental and Faculty Boards of Examiners to Consider the Results. 6 Wednesday, 3rd-8th January, 2018 SBC on 2nd Semester Examinations Results (Seven weeks after the last paper. Same as what obtained previous sessions). 7 Wednesday, 31st January,2018 Senate on 2nd Semester Examinations Results Faculty Examinations Officers should notify all students accused of involvement in examination misconduct (in writing) that they should stay behind/return to defend themselves-as soon as each case arises. *This is the latest date for this activity. Departments should encourage examiners to submit their results before this date whenever possible, and level coordinators to start compiling the results as soon as some examiners submit their raw marks.
Federal University, Birnin-Kebbi, FUBK 2017/2018 Academic Session Approved Academic Calendar Published Online
This is to inform all students of Federal University, Birnin-Kebbi both new and returning that the management has released the approved academic calendar for 2017/2018 academic session. The breakdown of the academic calendar is available on the image below. FUBK 2017/2018 Academic Calendar
Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic, Hadejia Jigawa State, BUPOLY 2017/2018 Amended Academic Calendar Published Online
This is to inform all students of Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic, Hadejia Jigawa State (BUPOLY) that the management has released the amended academic calendar for 2017/2018 academic session. The breakdown of the amended academic calendar is available below Click the image to view. BUPOLY 2017/2018 Amended Academic Calendar
The Federal Civil Service Commission of Nigeria (FCSC) Recruitment Of OND, HND, BA/BSc Holders Registration On
The Federal Civil Service Commission of Nigeria (FCSC) is an executive body in Nigeria that has the authority to make appointments and transfers and to exercise disciplinary control over all Federal Civil Servants. No officer can be appointed into the Civil Service without authorization from the Federal Civil Service Commission if they have been convicted of a crime, or had previously been employed in the Government Service and had been dismissed or asked to resign or retire The Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) wishes to announce vacancies in the following MDAs: (i) Federal Ministry of Information; (ii) Federal Ministry of Environment; (iii) Federal Ministry of Justice; (iv) Federal Ministry of Trade and Investments; and (v) Bureau of Public Procurement. Job Type: Full Time Qualification: OND, HND, BA/BSc. Location: Abia, Abuja, Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Delta, Ebonyi, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Gombe, Imo, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos, Nassarawa, Niger, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, Zamfara Job Field Administration / Secretarial General. How to Apply: Qualified Applicants can access Application Forms on-line on FCSC Website: Collect FCSC Forms from Chairmen of the States Civil Service Commissions in the Following Geo-political Zones: (a) North-West (Kaduna); (b) North-East (Yola); (c) North-Central & Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mabushi (Abuja); (d) South-East (Owerri); (e) South-South (Port Harcourt); (f) South-West (Ibadan). FCSC Headquarters, 4 Abidjan Street, Wuse Zone 3, Abuja. For avoidance of doubt, the application form is free. Completed Application Forms must be submitted where collected on or not later than six (6) Weeks from the date of this Publication (Advertisement). All Application Forms should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly stating the Ministry, the post applied for and addressed to the: Hon. Chairman, Federal Civil Service Commission,4 Abidjan Street, Wuse Zone 3, Abuja.
Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, FUPRE 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List Published Online
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 2nd Batch Admission List is out. Candidates are advised to start checking their admission status by following the process outlined below: Recommended: How To Accept Your Admission On JAMB CAPS Portal I. Log on to JAMB website using your username and password II. Look out for ‘CAPS’ on the left hand side of your profile page III. Click on the ‘CAPS’ and ‘Check Admission Status’ IV. Where a candidate has been offered admission, he/she should immediately accept the admission by clicking on ‘Accept’ on the notification page and then, print out the page. NOTE – Candidates should keep checking their admission status until the resumption date for Fresh Students is announced. – Where a candidate was not admitted into their original choice of programme but given a different course of study, such candidates must compulsorily go ahead and update their records with JAMB by clicking on the ‘Change of Course’ form option on their JAMB profile, pay the prescribed fee and complete the form. This will enable candidates have a straight record with JAMB and enable JAMB issue the correct admission letters to candidates.
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, OAU 2017 End Of The Year Break For Students Announced Tuesday, 5th December
The management of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, have declared an end of the year break for the generality of the students in the University. The decision to allow students proceed on the break, with immediate effect, was taken at an emergency meeting of the Senate of the University held on Tuesday, 5th December, 2017, to appraise the situation on campus following the nation-wide industrial strike action embarked upon by the Non-Teaching Staff Unions in Federal government-owned Universities, comprising Non Academic Staff Union (NASU), Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) and National Association of Academic Technologists (NAAT), over alleged disparity in the disbursement of Earned allowance to all the staff unions. Students have therefore been asked to vacate their Halls of residence latest by 4:00pm on Wednesday, 6th December, 2017. Accordingly, the general public, particularly the Parents/Guardians of the University’s students have been asked to note this latest development and ensure that their children and wards comply with this directive. Students are however, expected to resume on Tuesday, 2nd January, 2018, as lectures will commence on Wednesday, 3rd January 2018.
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, OAU 43rd Convocation Ceremonies Postponed Till Further Notice – See Why
The ongoing national industrial strike action of the non-teaching staff unions in Federal government-owned universities has made the authorities of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, to postpone the 43rd Convocation Ceremonies of the University earlier scheduled for December 13th to 16th, 2017. The non-definite date for the suspension of the strike action made the indefinite postponement of the Convocation Ceremonies an unavoidable alternative. The University management expresses immense regrets for any inconvenience the postponement might cause the general public, most especially our invited guests, the graduating students, their parents and guardians, friends and well-wishers, the alumni, lovers of Great Ife and all other stakeholders. It will be recalled that non-teaching staff unions in Federal government-owned Universities, comprising the Non Academic Staff Union (NASU), Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) and National Association of Academic Technologists (NAAT), have embarked on an indefinite strike action against government’s alleged disparity in the disbursement of Earned allowance to all the staff unions. The withdrawal of services of the members of these unions has compelled the management of OAU to ask students to proceed on “End of the Year” break and the eventual postponement of this year’s (43rd) Convocation Ceremonies.
Federal University Dutsin-Ma, FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 SOBAPS Procedure For Payment & Registration – See Details
This is to inform all candidates offered provisional admission admission into Federal University Dutsin-Ma in the School Of Basic And Preliminary Studies that the management has released the Procedure for Fees Payment & Registration for 2017/2018 academic session. Recommended: FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 School Of Basic And Preliminary Studies Admission List Out General Guidelines 1. All candidates should note that, this programme doesn’t mean a guarantee for securing admission into the University Degree programmes, but it will assist SOBAPS students to gain admission into 100 level in Federal University Dutsinma; after the students register and sit for next JAMB Examination and must choose Federal University Dutsinma as their First Choice. 2. Successful candidates are to report to the University for Registration from Wednesday 6th to Friday 22nd December, 2017. 3. Lectures commence on Wednesday 13th December, 2017. 4. PROCEDURE FOR PAYMENT All interested candidates both (Preliminary and Remedial) who have gained admission are advised to follow these procedures and make a Non- refundable payment or Twenty Five Thousand Naira (N25,000.00) only for Sciences: (PS-1, PS-2, RS-1 and RS-2) and Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred Naira (N22,500.00) for Social Science/ Arts (PS-3 and RS-3). a. Candidates are to log on to and- Click on the ‘PAY A FEDERAL. GOVERNMENT AGENCY’ box which directs you to a new page On the ‘Name of MDA’ box type FEDERAL UNIVERSITY DUTSINMA On the ‘Name of Service/Purpose’, click on the drop list and select ‘SOGAPS School fees’ option. On the ‘Amount to pay’ the Amount will reflect automatically. Complete the form and print. Proceed to any of the commercial banks and make payments. b. After payments, candidates are advised to come along with the evidence of payment from the bank for presentation to the University Bursary Department for collection of the original receipt. c. After payment of SOBAPS School Fees, go to the SOBAPS unit to collect the following document and sign before moving to next step for documentation: i. Acceptance of Offer of Provisional Admission (Form-FUDMA/02) ii. Letter of Provisional Admission (Form-FUDMA/01) iii. Undertaking Against Cultism (Form- FUDMA/03) iv. List of subjects to be registered. d. Proceed to the next step with all required documents as listed below for Documentation Provisional Admission; (Form-FUDMA/02) Admission; (Form-FUDMA/01) Against Cultism; (Form-FUDMA/03) Photocopy of Birth Certificate Testimonial Two copies of passport photograph Reputable standing in the society vouching for your good behaviour 5. COURSES FOR THE REGISTRATION Check the courses you are to offer in the Programme on the form. Make sure you register from the programme offered to you. NOTE: NO HOSTEL ACCOMMODATION Support and Inquiries For any inquiry or support use the following help line: For e-mails: or Telephone and text message: 08036047812, 08022237832.
Federal University Dutsin-Ma, FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 School Of Basic & Preliminary Studies Admission List Published
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Federal University Dutsin-Ma in the School Of Basic And Preliminary Studies that the 2017/2018 Admission List is out. Recommended; FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 SOBAPS Procedure For Fee Payment & Registration However, names of admitted candidates has been uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 School Of Basic And Preliminary Studies Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
Federal University Dutsin-Ma, FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 Academic Session Direct Entry Admission List Published
This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into Federal University Dutsin-Ma and participated in the admission screening exercise that the 2017/2018 Direct Entry Admission List is out. However, names of admitted candidates has been uploaded online and available in PDF format Click the link below to download. FUDUTSIN-MA 2017/2018 Direct Entry Admission List Congratulations to the admitted candidates.
Friday, 8 December 2017
After The Draw Was Concluded In The Russia 2018 World Cup – Do You Think Nigeria Will Qualify Out Of The Group D?
The world cup draw was concluded and every qualified national teams have been given their opponents to play with in the group stage before being qualified to the knockout stages. The super eagles of Nigeria being the one of the few teams to have qualified for the world cup that will be held in Russia next year, will face the likes of Argentina, Croatia and Iceland in the group D. See the Group D List below:- As easy as the group seems, it is as difficult as any other tough groups in the competition not because of big names in the teams but the achievements and records of the team prior to the world cup competition. ARGENTINA Although, Argentina was defeated by the Super Eagles team in the friendly played recently but still stands as the toughest opponents Nigeria would face in the group. For the record, this is the fifth consecutive time Nigeria would face Argentina in the world cup and Super Eagles haven’t found it easy with them as they defeated us in all the four matches we have played together. CROATIA Croatia is another team in Super eagles group who are very tough individually. As the team contains starts who are very versatile and know what football is. Not a big name in football but will surely give the Nigerian super eagles a tough time. ICELAND Iceland on the other hand is not really a big name in the football world but has been on the mission of making difference as they surprised the Three Lions of England by defeating them 2-1 in the last Euro competition. Although this is their first time ever in the world cup history, having topped Croatia in the world cup qualifying group stages and their hunger for recognition, they are a team to watch out for in the group the super eagles have found themselves. With the points above 👇 Do You Think The Super Eagles Of Nigeria Will Qualify In The Group Where These Teams Are? What Position Do You Think We Can Come Out With?
Real Madrid Star Cristiano Ronaldo Has Won The 2017 Ballon d’Or.Award, Equaling 5-5 With Rival Lionel Messi
Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo has won the 2017 Ballon d’Or. It is the fifth time the Portugal international has won the prize, drawing him level with his great rival Lionel Messi for the most Ballons d’Or of all time. Ronaldo scored 42 goals across all competitions during the 2016-17 season, leading Real Madrid to a La Liga and Champions League double. Watch Cristiano Ronaldo receive his 2017 Ballon d’ Or trophy below! 😎 Did Cristiano Ronaldo Deserve To Win His Fifth Ballon d’ Or Award Over Lionel Messi?
The 2018 Headies Award To Hold March 24th, 2018. (Four New Categories Has Been Added) – Read Full Story
THE Nigeria’s most authentic awards for pop music and urbane culture, The Headies, will roll out the carpet in honour of musicians, performers, producers, writers, and other professionals who did well within the year in review. According to the Executive Producer, Ayo Animashaun, “Nigeria’s longest-running music honours event will return to Quarter 1, as well as add new categories to reflect the realities of today’s music and entertainment industry.” “This year, the year-in-review has also been reviewed to adequately accommodate more music materials released between July 2016 to December 2017. Subsequently, the year in review will be January to December of each year.” “Based on the studied schedule of releases, and the availability of talents, the Committee has decided the best period to host the awards is now March.” …Nominees, artistes, entertainment industry practitioners and enthusiasts’ will have an amazing time and music fans will have even more fun.This is why every decision was taken,from the new date, choice of venue, categories, and so on The four new categories, are Headies Viewer’s Choice, Industry Brand Supporter, Best Performer, and Best Song Writer of the year. The Viewers’ choice prize will give full power to fans through a voting system that lets them decide absolutely the Brand Supporter Award will recognize brands who are supporting the industry at a time when opportunities are scarce. The Best Performer will reward the Artistes whose stagecraft, showmanship and performance routines are exceptionally conceptualized and executed. The Best Song Writer finally brings to the forefront the talents who compose the lyrics and melodies for the songs we celebrate. The Headies will now have 24 award categories, with each winner receiving a 21-carat-gold-plated Headies Plaque, the stamp of excellence from one of Africa’s most respected music awards. The current year-in-review will accommodate entries released between July 2016 to December 2017. Subsequently, the year in review will be January to December of each year. Save the date! The Headies holds on March 24, 2018!
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The production of this painting is to enable the society to know and understand the positive effects and the needs the Opoto festival in Enu...
