Monday, 25 September 2017


Study shows that over 47.8 Percent of Students encounter difficulties in their academic life due to distractions caused and Fathomed by various factors. Some of those common factors are listed below; 1. ” I KNOW IT ALL “ Many students nowadays tend to believe they know it all at the first glimpse and thereby loose the main point. Been a very brilliant student is very good but as a student you come in contact with familiar topics in some subjects, It’s advised and expected of you no matter how brilliant you’re, calm down and listen to the person teaching or lecturing you on it. In a situation where you claim to know it all you get distracted from the main point, from the kind of information that might be passed and little by little you start looking you grip on your academics because you were distracted by your Ego and Self Pride. 2. LOVE OF MONEY Is money truly the root of all evil or The lack of it? However, academic-wise most students want to have money so as to live a comfortable life and they tend to get distracted while looking for money. You as an entrepreneur or self-skilled individual whose sole purpose is to make business boom no matter what comes and doesn’t care to do away with whatever might likely interfere tend to loose focus on academics. Don’t misquote me, having a business or an handy work to do is very beneficial and boosts your Resume’ but don’t let that distract you from your main goal. If possible find a way to balance both studies and business. 3. RELIGION With Whatsoever religion you may belong to don’t be carried away. This has cause alot of disaster to most students. However, without making any direct reference to any religion in particular but from past experiences this is common to the ” Christian brothers and sisters” who neglect classes, assignments and other academic necessities in order to fulfill their respective posts in their various place of Worship and pray hoping a miracle would happen. Eve the Bible (book of knowledge to Christians) said “make hay while the sun shines” you quit your studies just to appear in your church or other places of worship just to fulfill all righteousness it is regarded as pure insanity to repeat this same process every semester as a student and expect different answers. There is Time For everything, when the time is Due, you worship your God in any form you can and any language you dim fit. Beware don’t be fooled by various churches and other forms of religion who tend to brainwash you into leaving your studies and ignoring your main point of coming to the Higher Institution. Your Studies first then any other thing can follow. 4. NONCHALANT ATTITUDE The “i don’t care” behavior is now rampant nowadays among youths and students nowadays. Most students feel they are already at the limit in their academic life and don’t really care what could happen at anytime. They feel it’s not compulsory anymore and it’s of no use, they tend to ignore relevant and valuable information concerning their academic life. Some on the long run stop coming to classes and stop doing assignments. Most these attitude are mainly influenced by friends and either lack of money or availability of money. a. – LACK OF MONEY Depending on the background of these kind of individuals they tend to loose their vibe for academic pursuit and see no future in the long run therefore get distracted because they can’t fund it any longer and are desperately in need of money which links up with my earlier highlighted Point ” Love of money” . b. – AVAILABILITY OF MONEY This is common to students who comes from rich homes or background who see no use of been focused on academics, because they have a mind set that their future is already in place no matter what they come out with and therefore they are blinded with this fact. 5. BAD COMPANY Friends vary and comes in different forms, entangled in a bad company ruins it all, your plans, your goal and all other things you have in mind. Bad company tend to get you distracted with the Sweetness of life as it is believed to be. They derail your attention from academics, and if care is not taken they tend to lead you to a very dangerous part. Consequences of moving with bad company will result in the following ;- -Cultism -Suspension -Examination Malpractice -Destruction of school properties -Excess intake of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs. All these things mentioned are caused by bad company which leads to a damaged life. They are mere distractions which can cause a great deal of problems in one’s life. From Campuslit we hope you don’t get distracted and focus more on Academic. Campuslit always at Your service.  wriiten by; Ademoyegun Ayomide Joseph

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